Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why does the constellation orion disappear in the summer months?

it doesn't. it's high in the sky in the summer.Why does the constellation orion disappear in the summer months?It's overhead in the daytime in the summer, behind the sun.Why does the constellation orion disappear in the summer months?The better question is why does Orion appear in the winter. As the Earth orbits the Sun, a different region of the stars will fall into the area that is convenient to observe.

In the winter, Orion will be above the horizon in the evening hours, from sunset to 11 PM, when most people go out to look at stars. During the spring and summer Orion is above the horizon during daylight hours, when the Sun's light washes out the dim stars. During autumn Orion will be above the horizon after midnight until sunrise, when most good little boys and girls are sound asleep.

Each season has its constellations that are convenient to observe at that time of the year.Why does the constellation orion disappear in the summer months?to hotWhy does the constellation orion disappear in the summer months?
It's because of the tilt of the earth. In the summer, depending on where you live, it disappears below the horizon. If you live in the north hemishpere then it would be below the horizon in the summer. When you can't see it, people in the south can see it. When they can't, you can. In between the summer and winter if you watch like every week, you can see how it moves higher when winter comes, and lower when summer does.

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