Thursday, January 26, 2012

Which constellation is closest to the spot where the Big Bang occurred?

None. Constellations are a group of stars that form an image. Constellations are only relative to the Earth. The actual stars of a "constellation" are no where near each other. One may be twenty lightyears away while another is 100 lightyears away from the observer. They were formed into images by humans.

If you were on another world around another star in another part of the galaxy, or even outside of the Milky Way, you would not recognize any constellations as the ones we have named on Earth would no longer exist.

So to simply answer your question there is no constellation near that point of time and space.Which constellation is closest to the spot where the Big Bang occurred?the one that says if we can look through a telescope and see something closer up,, maybe telescope lenses sit on the moon and that is what those craters reaaly areWhich constellation is closest to the spot where the Big Bang occurred?
That is a good question, we at the present time do not have telescopes powerful enough to see back to where the big bang was, maybe in the future we might have the equipment to see back that for.Which constellation is closest to the spot where the Big Bang occurred?None. The big bang didn麓t occur at the center of the universe. It happened everywhere. So the universe doesn麓t have a center and thus you can not really pinpoint a star that is closest to it.Which constellation is closest to the spot where the Big Bang occurred?
None. All directions are equivalent, and if you could instantly transport yourself 13.6 billion light years in any direction, you would be in the middle of it. The big bang was an expansion of space itself, not of anything in a space. Which is a bit mind-boggling, but that's the nature of general relativity.Which constellation is closest to the spot where the Big Bang occurred?None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Unless you or others fascinated by the Big Bang Theory can tell me first who started the Bang

(cause and effect), who supplied the materials (cause and effect), and where the materials came from (cause and effect, ad infinitum, ad infinitum, ad infinitum).

Or let me simplify the enigma. Would you believe me if I told you that the Seiko watch on my hand - very, very, very, very much simpler than the dynamics of the universe or the make-up of a human body - actually came together after a Big Bang

"happened" to a block of steel right up my alley? Or would you call me a liar or a lunatic, passionate I may be in my assertion? Tsk. ....tsk......tsk. Next question please, other than this search for a constellation.
  • english to arabic translation
  • geronimo stilton
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