Thursday, January 26, 2012

When will The Obama administration decide Project Constellation's fate.?

When will we know for sure if it is allowed to go ahead as the previous president promised or if it is to be completely or partly cancelled? Will we know soon?When will The Obama administration decide Project Constellation's fate.?We have been told that sometime next year in 2010, the Human Space Flight Plans Committee will present its recommendations to the President.

I won't speak for the man, but it is quite likely that the Moon program will be canceled. Not because we don't want to go back to the Moon, but because it's really expensive, and we already have too many expenses to worry about. It's been said that if we want to make room in the budget for a manned mission to the Moon, we would have to abandon the ISS, and probably actually de-orbit it for destruction, so that it can't start to blow off dangerous chunks of debris every time something hits it (not to mention its being one big piece of space junk at that time in and of itself).

Further, our "robots" that can be sent to other bodies in the solar system are becoming more and more sophisticated, making them increasingly useful as exploratory tools. They will never replace a human being, but they do a pretty good job, at far less expense, and at far less danger.When will The Obama administration decide Project Constellation's fate.?
No clue. Probably soon our lord and Savior Premier Obama will decide

Best regards, Right Wing Bay Stater.

P.S. I'll probably be sent to Guantanamo Bay because of this!When will The Obama administration decide Project Constellation's fate.?remember Obama said backwards is Amabo....think about it.When will The Obama administration decide Project Constellation's fate.?
About 2.765 YEARS after it decides about Afghanistan!When will The Obama administration decide Project Constellation's fate.?There ain't enough time.

The world is gonna end before they can get Project Constellation up and running.When will The Obama administration decide Project Constellation's fate.?

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