Monday, January 30, 2012

Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed FROM the Sun on the date of....?

Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed FROM the Sun on the date of Vernal Equinox?Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed FROM the Sun on the date of....?The earth would be in the western portion of Virgo.

Since the Vernal equinox, by definition, occurs on the ecliptic at 0 hrs of right ascension, one way to find out would be to look at star charts and see the point where 12 hrs RA crosses the ecliptic. This is also be the point of the autumnal equinox, where the sun would be located from the earth's point of view, on that date..Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed FROM the Sun on the date of....?to answer your question with another question: what constellation along the ecliptic transits at midnight on the vernal equinox?Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed FROM the Sun on the date of....?From the Sun, the Earth would appear to be on the point we call the Fall equinox.

It is, by definition, the point at RA = 12h and DEC = 0

It is also at ecliptic longitude 180 degrees and ecliptic latitude 0 (i.e., exactly on the ecliptic).

In Virgo, near its border with Leo.Against what constellation would the Earth appear to be projected when viewed FROM the Sun on the date of....?
Virgo {12h RA / 0 deg decl}

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