Monday, January 23, 2012

What is your favorite constellation?

Mine is Andromeda.What is your favorite constellation?Orion is my favourite. It is right in front of me if I step out of my door in the Winter, its time of rising and setting marking the passing of the season. And of course I like his companion, the very bright Sirius, the dog star (woof !).
The only other one I know is the Plough, which is what we call the Big Dipper, that points at the Pole Star.What is your favorite constellation?
(((Shortcake))) Thank you for helping to educate an old doddering, near-senile widow. I thought Andromeda was a galaxy, but upon a tad bit of research, it is actually a a galaxy that is also part of the constellation Andromeda. Interesting. Sort of like a wheel within a wheel in the windmills of my mind.

Mine would be the Big Dipper (unsure of its name - is it one of the canine ones?) because it always points to Polaris, the North Star.What is your favorite constellation?Big dipper. same reason as Lucy.

I have the constellation Cygnus on my left forearm though....I actually had a religious experience once regarding it....couldn't tell you where in the sky it is though. But I do have a rudimentary knowledge of triginometry,

(, so if you give me a sextant and we're in the middle of the ocean, I can figure out where we are by the constellations...

...well, eventually)

sry my thought processes sometimes drop out like a bad cellphone connection.
I had never considered the fact that I need one. Having quickly googled my options, I have now settled on the Australian aboriginal "Emu in the Sky" until I find one involving a wombat, koala, and sexual act prohibited in at least 8 countries.鈥?/a>What is your favorite constellation?Sorry, didn't know Andromeda was a religion. But my favorite is the Milky Way.What is your favorite constellation?
I've never liked constellations much. You can't even watch them on a telescope.

I like interstellar gas clouds. The Crab nebula and Messier 57 are pretty nice.
Orion. I actually have a star in that constellation named after me :DWhat is your favorite constellation?
I have a preference for Scutum - the star clouds that can be observed there are spectacular

The only one I can actually find is the big dipper lol

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