Sunday, February 12, 2012

Which constellation is named after a fish ?

There is another called Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish. This is not well known.

Pisces is quite faint, but Piscis Austrinus is very difficult to pick unless you know where to look. The one thing that tells you where it is is the bright star Fomalhaut at the fish's "eye".

EDIT: Good thinking Tina, and let's not forget poor old Volans.Which constellation is named after a fish ?PiscesWhich constellation is named after a fish ?picies isWhich constellation is named after a fish ?i know of three:


piscis austrinis

doradoWhich constellation is named after a fish ?
Pisces is named after a fish

Learn about its history:
  • pearson prentice hall
  • shop bop
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