Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why does the Sphinx resembles the zodiac constellations of Virgo and Leo?

The head of the Sphinx looks like Virgo and its tail looks like the Leo constellation, so if you place the two constellations together, it resembles the Sphinx.Why does the Sphinx resembles the zodiac constellations of Virgo and Leo?This is more a question about ancient Egyptian religion than astronomy and space. Research what these symbols meant to the Egyptians. From memory the head of the Sphinx is a representation of one of the Pharaohs but it is not an area I am expert in.Why does the Sphinx resembles the zodiac constellations of Virgo and Leo?If you look just hard enough at something, you can always find weak similarities between objects.

In your case... resemble is like saying, Paris Hilton resembles Jack Black.

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