Monday, January 30, 2012

Which constellation will Mars go in retrograde this late autumn?? and for how long?

and when will it go back again?

also, can anyone explain, when it goes retrograde, like it is passing a car it seems like it is falling back?

but what about when it goes forward again?

i dont understand that part.

anyone can explain what is happening when it seems to go back and then forward again?

and again when will it do this?

please explain.Which constellation will Mars go in retrograde this late autumn?? and for how long?Mars goes stationary in Leo by mid/late December 2009, then slowly move retrograde around xmas eve. Retrograde motion will continue and somewhat faster as Mars moves to opposition on January 29, 2010. Mars will be just north east of the M44 the "Beehive" star cluster in Cancer. On Feb 4 Mars will be about 2 degrees north of M44.

Retrograde motion will continue as Mars moves through Cancer but will slow down and go stationary once more in early March. By the middle of March Mars will be moving forward ("prograde").

What causes this? Retrograde and stationary motion in a planet is APPARENT ONLY. What we see is a parallax effect from the motions of both our Earth and Mars (the other planets show similar motions, though when you get far out from the Sun these motions are small).

When you are seated in a car or bus (mainly that someone else is driving) especially on a multi-lane highway or freeway, look out the window and observe how other cars that you approach and then pass appear to move against distant landmarks or mountains behind. Clearly they are moving forward just as you are. Yet as you approach them they start to slow down relative to the background and then begin to move backwards from your perspective.

As you pass the other car(s) they continue to move backwards. The road starts to curve (the orbits of the planets are curved remember) away as the other cars now some distance behind us slow their apparent backwards movement and then begin to move forwards again relative to the background.

Think also of racetrack footage from the driver's point of view. As the car approaches slower moving cars they appear to move backwards as the car passes them.Which constellation will Mars go in retrograde this late autumn?? and for how long?I have no idea what all that means but i can tell you I'm about to eat a Mars Bar and that will take a few hours to pass.Which constellation will Mars go in retrograde this late autumn?? and for how long?Things we know.

Retrograde refers to a backward revolution or orbit. The planets revolve around the sun. The sun passes through the sky.

The constellations refer to the 13 (now 14, actually) signs of the zodiac.

Something we can infer.

Since Mars doesn't have a retrograde rotation, it must refer to the apparent direction mars travels in the sky (while orbiting the sun).

Sun travels through sky, mars travels around the sun (while it's traveling through the sky). So mars goes forward, then backwards, while traveling across the sky. Check when it is using whatever program you're using.
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